To help equip the local church to more effectively reach, teach and keep the children and youth of their church, neighborhood and community for the Lord Jesus Christ.

II Corinthians 11:28 “Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.”


II Timothy 2:2 "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."



  • Developing and Delivering Children's Curriculum

Thirty consecutive hours of practical, hands on instruction covering many major aspects of effective teaching.

  • How to develop your own Sunday School or Children's Church curriculum customized to fit the needs of your class.
  • How to get and keep the attention of your students.
  • How to guarantee that your students can't wait to come back next Sunday.  
  •  Ideas, ideas, ideas...attention getters, object lessons, songs, games, stories, visualization methods and more...
  • How to develop a positive desire to be involved and enjoy serving the Saviour in your children and youth. 
  • Howto make more effective use of your classroom time.
  •  Classroom Discipline  

    • Why is Johnny acting up in Sunday School?
    • Why don't my students learn their memory verses each week?
    • Why won't those kids sit still?
    • What are the steps in handling a discipline problem? 
  • Leading a Child to Christ  

    • Why does Suzie come forward for salvation every week?
    • What Scriptures should I use when dealing with a child about salvation? 
    • Who should be used as personal workers?
  • Making Visuals on a Tight Budget          

    • Tip, tools and techniques to help even the least artistic teacher produce first class visual aids.
  • Teaching the Memory Verse

  • Effective use of Object Lessons and Illustrations

  • Music in the Classroom